
Permacomputing Meetup

Date: Tuesday 23 April 2024
Time: 19:00 - 22:00

Permacomputing is a more sustainable approach to computer and network technology inspired by permaculture. It is both a concept and a community of practice oriented around issues of resilience and regeneration in digital technology. In a time where computing epitomizes industrial waste, permacomputing encourages a less destructive approach by maximizing hardware lifespans and minimizing energy use with already available computational resources. We want to find out how we can maintain good relations with the Earth and each other by learning from ecological systems to leverage and re-center existing technologies and practices. We are also interested in what permacomputing ways of living can look like, and what sort of transformative computational cultures and aesthetics it could bring forward. Please join us for an informal discussion of ideas and real-world practices around Permacomputing.

This event will be held in english.