
Against Adult Supremacy / Abolish the Family meet-up

This event is RSVP. Contact the organiser if you want to come.

Date: Sunday 28 April 2024
Time: 14:00 - 17:00

Let’s undo our adult supremacy!!

We want to amplify stories and actions that reveal the emancipatory potential of undoing the socially constructed and often violent social border between adults and kids. For youth autonomy and collective liberation to take hold, adults must also contend with their personal and social power while they actively work to undo adult supremacy. Undoing these walls will take a fierce commitment from us all, because as long as there are seeds of hierarchy in any of our relationships, justice will not take root and it definitely won’t bloom.

Recognizing that we reproduce the seeds of hierarchy in our everyday relationships starts at home, in our most private place, where power and privilege are at play, even in the most radical homes. The greater part of childrearing, whether at home or at school, is dedicated to the modification of their behavior, to fit some pre-established social rules and demands.

No group that has power over others or is oppressing another group can liberate them on their behalf. But they can be in solidarity with them. We want to be in solidarity with young people’s liberation. We want to help co-create spaces and places for them to thrive and to experience more autonomy, together working for international intergenerational thriving.

Adult supremacy prevents trust from flowing in relationships between kids and adults. Trust always involves risk, but it’s worth it and foundational to the thriving community. We would like to meet with you and share our experiences with living with kids in an environment of adult supremacy. Would you like to join us in reflecting on how we can support youth liberation together?

Some questions we would like to talk about:

- How are we practicing loving, if we define love as the willingness to expand the emotional growth of someone else in ourselves? Were the adults in our life willing to expand themselves for our emotional growth? Are we? How are we in community with (our) children?

-What have we internalized about what is involved in raising children? What makes someone good or worthy of love?

- Are we willing to invite input from the children? Are we willing to hear the truth and not be defensive but take their input as valuable information?

- Are we ready to disrupt the common notion of parenting? Are we ready to trust?

If this resonates with you and you would like to join us, please confirm by first emailing that you want to participate.

This event will be held in English.